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Different Perspectives

Writer's picture: DoraDora

Updated: Apr 27, 2023

This morning, while doing math with one of my high schoolers, we explored the concept that there can be more than one way to look at a problem. We might approach the same problem from two different perspectives, but in the end we arrive at the same conclusion.

At this time of year, with Pesach (Passover), it is good to remember that we all have different ways of dealing with the challenges of preparing our homes and families for the upcoming holiday. There is so much preparation involved, and there is sometimes a tendency to feel jealous or bothered when we hear others say how far along they are in their preparations. Or visa versa, to feel superior when hearing how far behind someone else is.

But if we could take a minute to look at the challenge from other perspectives, we will see that everyone is simply using the technique that works best for their circumstances. Some may wait until the last minute because they have small kids who will mess up their homes, or their schedules were insane and left no time to spare, or their apartment is only three rooms and will take days to clean instead of months. Perhaps they are expecting lots of guests and need extra time to prepare all of the food they will be serving, or have a large house that takes many weeks to clean, or are trying to make sure everything is ready in case they are pulled away by an emergency of various kinds. And as we are all working toward the same end, instead of feeling jealous or superior, let's support each other in this challenge.

So take which ever route toward Pesach that is right for you, and remember that we will all arrive at the same spot by the end of next week, sitting around a seder table, hopefully with our family and/or friends.

a photo of a white board covered in math problems


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