It may look like a beautiful winter wonderland out the window, but the roads are a mess. The schools have all announced closures and your kids will be home the whole day. Now what? As a homeschool mom who is used to having my kids home all day, I am here to tell you that everything will be okay. We know there will be chaos. Piles of wet coats and gloves, kids fighting, dirty dishes in the sink. But snow days can be fun and less stressful. This is the perfect opportunity to do some fun (and food-related) activities that celebrate the joys of having a cozy home when the world outside is cold and snowy. Here are some of our favorite snow day foods and activities:
1. Start by putting together a simple and cozy dinner. Yep. Start with dinner. Pull out your crockpot and put together a chili, beef stew, or soup. Set the crockpot on low and let it do the cooking for the next 8 hours. Now you won’t have to worry about dinner later and you will have a cozy, comforting meal perfect for a day spent in the snow.
2. Before you head outside, grab a fun board game to play or a short story to read together. If you can convince your kids to play a game or read first, this is very beneficial. This gives the air outside a little time to warm up (hopefully!), and gives your kids special time with you before the bundling up. This also gives the grownups a chance to drink their morning coffee before being dragged outdoors, which is very important. If your kids absolutely cannot wait to go outside, do this later.
3. Bundle up and head outside with the kids. Time to shovel, make snowmen, clean off the cars, or have a snowball fight. Another favorite snow activity in our house is to take an empty spray bottle, fill it with water and a few drops of food coloring, and use it to spray paint the snow. This is a really fun activity, especially if you give each kid a different color in their bottle (I like to stock up on small spray bottles at the dollar store ahead of big snow storms).
4. When you are all frozen and ready to come inside, a cup of hot cocoa and a hot grilled cheese sandwich will really hit the spot. A perfect way to warm back up.
5. If your kids want to head back outside, great! If not, now is the perfect time to bake together, do a fun science experiment, work on a puzzle, or even clean out a closet together. Or do all of the above!
6. At the end of a long, fun-filled day, you can sit down to your already-prepared warm dinner and maybe some of those cookies you baked earlier in the day for dessert.
Hopefully, your next snow day will be a fun-filled, relaxing day spent with your family and something to look forward to the next time a blizzard hits.
