The lead up to Pesach this year has been especially challenging for me. Pesach preparation is hard enough on its own, but sometimes there are extra circumstances that add to the stress. However, this isn't the first time that a few extra challenges have been thrown our way at this time of year.
The year that I began homeschooling our kids, I was pregnant and my due date was on Pesach. I was exhausted in those last few weeks and was upset that I hadn't had enough time to sit and do projects and learn about Pesach with my kids. I felt I was failing at teaching them about the holiday.
My redemption came in the form of a very good friend, Chana. She looked and listened to me and sat me down to give me a quick lecture. Her sagely advice still remains with me to this day. She told me that my children will learn about the importance of getting rid of chometz and all of the rules that go with that. They experienced those rules because they weren't off at school while I cleaned. They helped me clean the house. They were learning about preparing for Pesach, first-hand. She also reminded me that the entire purpose of the seder is for the parents to teach their kids the story of leaving Egypt, the plagues and the formation of the Jewish people. And therefore, on seder night, we should do exactly that and we will have taught them everything they needed to know.
Ever since, whenever I feel overwhelmed with the task of teaching my kids at the same time as prepping for a big holiday like Pesach, I take a deep breath and remember that they will learn what they need to learn by doing and experiencing. And it will be ok.
So if you are stressing right now, take a deep breath, and remind yourself that Pesach is about the stories and the experiences and family. It will be ok.
